Friday, October 10, 2008

A thought

I have never really been one for journals or diaries. I've always thought the idea was cool. Maybe I'd look back on my writing one day and see how much I've changed or stayed the same. See how I approached problems and what mistakes I've made. I've always had too many thoughts for a journal. That may sound strange to you, but I often sit down to write, hoping to express something profound or wise, but I never seem to get to the point. I loose track of why I'm writing, I start to annoy myself, or I get mixed up and leave my writing with more frustration then when I had begun! Even now I'm doing it. I wanted to try to express my uneasiness with what it means to miss someone, or something, or a situation, or a feeling, a moment, a smell, a texture. You know what I mean don't you? To miss something is such a strange phenomenon. I've gotten upset at myself for not missing certain things, and wondered if that makes me leather hearted. I often wonder what other people mean when they say it. I don't know exactly what I mean when I say it sometimes!! Maybe I'm not being clear, but you knew I wouldn't be. Maybe I've missed the point . ..

1 comment:

BeeHeron said...

This may not connect...but I walked by 94th and west end the other day and past the building where I met up with the team every Saturday and Sunday for about 7 years before we drove to a game... To miss something that you don’t have any more, and something that you can’t get back issss such a strange phenomenon, cause its just your memory of it.
I don’t know if this connects with what you’re saying. But I almost got angry at myself for missing something I could not do anything about missing. And that, mixed with the question of “why did I not know I was missing this, this much?” made me stand on the corner for a while thinking. Finally i not missing the game. I’m missing who I was on that corner. It’s the uneasiness of missing that “me” that made me stay there for a while, and the same reason that I finally walked away. A couple of days later I got an invite from a teammate trying to get us all back together for a reunion dinner...she posted up all these pictures of us. And there was 'me'. I cried at my desk. But I don’t think anyone saw hahhaaa.