Ok, I thought I would make the photos bigger..I'm going to see how I like the format on the page. I might shrink them back to the little ones again..but let me explain these photos before I start asking for votes on the aesthetic of the page..
This is a statue of a very strong man. (same place that had all the dolls) This was also SOLD OUT mind you. Yes, think on that and let it settle.
This is one of the smoking rooms I was talking about. They're really intense when you see them in person. You can almost feel peoples lungs screaming out for help. You will see large smoking only areas on the street also. Not a lot of people walk and smoke in Tokyo. These rooms freak me out man.
This is a penguin. Even Native Japanese were taking pictures of it so I know it was some extra weird shit.
Let me explain this one. Well first, let me tell you that Tekken 6 and Street Fighter 4 have both dropped in Japan. HUGE news in gamer land apparently. (thanks Dan) Dan was in the zone. After many rounds of games a slight frown and look of fright appeared on my comrades face.
"What's wrong D?" I asked
"MY WRIST. I think I broke it!"
"Dan. You did not break your wrist" (those of you who know me and Dan well, can truly hear my voice and see my facial expression with this statement. You know the look.)
"Then why does it hurt so much..AH, it hurts when i do this ( imagine turning arm) AH, AH aHH!---quick give me a coin, I have to keep playing."
And the story continues. Dan with what he thought was a broken wrist, re challenged his Japanese foe on the other side of the arcade. And even loss after loss to a superior Japanese gamer, Dan with messed up video game injury wrist finally got his WIN! AMERICA he screamed. AMERICA! -- he didn't really scream that, but that's what he said he wanted to do when he won...
1 comment:
hi nate, funny, before you even wrote about how your voice sounded i was hearing it in my head. weird.
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